My Services

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Welcome to Fresh Start Therapy & Consulting! If you are looking at this menu, you are either not at the best place in your life or you’ve had better, less stressful days. You are looking for relief and you are not looking to spend your life savings on just talking to a stranger. I have a skeptical side to my personality, so I totally get it. That’s why I’m highly sensitive and respectful of your time and financial investment.

Therapy Services

From pre-marital conversations to couples’ therapy, to divorce preparation coaching, the programs cover an in-depth evaluation to identify differences or points of potential conflict before engaging in counseling sessions.

I see the couple together as well as separately to give each other space to be honest and open without the fear of hurting each other.

Our programs are very much neutral. Our goal is not to take sides or tell you who’s right or wrong, but rather to help you increase your self-awareness in your relationship and how that affects your choices during stressful and unpleasant times, and in turn how these choices influence your partner’s choices and the overall family dynamic.

ADHD is not a myth; it’s a chronic brain-based syndrome that affects the person with the diagnosis, as well as the rest of the family.

Often diagnosed in children, it has a strong genetic component, which means one of the parents often also has it, although adult ADHD is often not as discussed or even acknowledged.

Family stress is not only based on the child’s difficulties in school or sports but also on the couple’s difficulties due to uncomfortable interactions between an ADHD and non-ADHD partners.

Our programs focus a lot on psychoeducation, therapeutic interventions, and support for both sides. The struggles are real and painful for both but in very different ways. Despite difficulties, individuals with ADHD can lead a very successful and well-adjusted life; however, that is only possible by learning how to maximize the individual’s strengths and minimize or adjust for the weaknesses with a well-defined treatment plan. It also takes a considerable amount of patience, consistency, some creativity and open-mindedness to trying new things, and a sense of humor.

A certain level of anxiety and stress is normal for all of us. But when things get out of control to the point that you experience daily significant distress with overthinking and ruminating every minute of your day; when the entire mental space is occupied by unproductive and exhausting recycling thoughts; when the only way to cope is unhealthy behaviors like drinking, smoking, overeating, picking fights with a loved one, yelling at the children; that’s when our programs can help!

Call 623.628.0406 to Book a Free 15-minute Phone Consultation

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